Hello Reader,
Similarity/ Diffrnce in Function GET and FIND('=').
Lets differentiate by example
The following example shows how use the FIND function to find a record in a table. The code sets the number of the record to find to 1100, which is the primary key of the record to find. The FIND function uses the '=' parameter to find the record that has a primary value that equals the specified primary key. If the record is found, then the item number, description, and unit price of the item are displayed in a message box. Otherwise, a message that specifies that the item is not found is displayed. This example requires that you create the following variables and text constants in the C/AL Globals window.
Similarity/ Diffrnce in Function GET and FIND('=').
Lets differentiate by example
The following example shows how use the FIND function to find a record in a table. The code sets the number of the record to find to 1100, which is the primary key of the record to find. The FIND function uses the '=' parameter to find the record that has a primary value that equals the specified primary key. If the record is found, then the item number, description, and unit price of the item are displayed in a message box. Otherwise, a message that specifies that the item is not found is displayed. This example requires that you create the following variables and text constants in the C/AL Globals window.
Variable name | DataType | Subtype |
ItemRec | Record | Item |
Text constant | ENU value |
Text000 | Item No. %1.\Description: %2. Price: $%3. |
Text001 | The item was not found. |
CODE ItemRec."No." := '1100'; IF ItemRec.FIND('=') THEN MESSAGE(TEXT000, ItemRec."No.", ItemRec.Description, ItemRec."Unit Price") ELSE MESSAGE(TEXT001); GET
Difference FIND ('=') is more similar to GET function: the difference between those 2 is that GET ignores any filter applied to the set |
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